The Magic of Time in Education
The Magic of Time in Education
As I was picking students up from schools earlier this week (yes, bus driver is one of the hats I get to wear), I overheard them droning on about all of the tests they had coming up this week, and all of the tests they had just finished. They were in 3rd Grade.
It brought me back to a time when I was administering those tests to my 4th graders, and trying to convince them that every single one mattered while simultaneously not scarring them for life each time they're results came up short of our expectations. Full disclosure: I don't miss those times.
I'm not against assessment. I think it's an incredibly valuable tool and absolutely necessary for the success of our students. Tracking progress and growth and measuring them against a set of standards is an essential piece of any good educational program. However, for the last decade or so (at least the time since I started in education), we've been driving our students into the ground with every feasible form of assessment. It's wearing on them. And it's wearing on our teachers too. The fact of the matter is we could stand to assess a lot less, and a lot less formally.
The assessment driven classroom is having adverse affects on our kids creativity and critical thinking as well. As much as we'd like to think those things are encouraged in schools, most systems STILL encourage a single right way of doing things, and don't allow for much variation. Teachers and students don't have the luxury of the primary thing you need to encourage creativity, problem solving, and perseverance: they don't have TIME.
Doing well on tests doesn't equate to success. Researchers have found that traits like ""Grit"" are a far better indicator of success. Grit encompasses a mindset that encompasses our Maker Traits here at Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead, Perseverance, Fearless Problem Solving, Idea Generation, and Self-Guided learning. This mindset isn't something that can be formally assessed.
In addition to the formalized educational model, kids need to spend time in a learning environment in which assessment isn't the primary goal. They need to spend time in a mindset that places emphasis on the growth of their mindset, and the growth of the thinking skills that are highly correlated to long term success. Our programs here at Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead are designed to do exactly that. Our teachers are constantly informally assessing our students, but if you ask students if they've ever taken a test here, they will respond with a confident and proud, ""no way"". Our methods of assessment tell us if our students are accomplishing the goals we have set forth. Our teachers are looking for the traits that we value, not mastery of the content that we present. Content is a bonus. A revised view of one's own abilities and the confidence to tackle and project or problem is the goal.
Give your kids the opportunities they need. Give them the opportunities they want. Join us for a class, club, after school, or open makerspace today!
Summary: Our kids need time to experience a learning environment devoid of formal assessment.
Kids take too many tests at school, many of which do more harm than good.
There are other ways to assess students
Teachers aren't given the time they need to let kids practice creativity and critical thinking
We're doing our kids a disservice if we don't allow them time and opportunities to develop a growth mindset