
12 Reasons to Send Your Child to a Great After-School Program (Even If You Don’t Need To)

While 8.4 million kids nationwide attend after school, and another 18.5 million would attend after school programs if they were available in their area, there a quite a few families that simply don’t “need” after school care. Either because one parent doesn’t work, family is available to help ease the burden, or one or both parents have flexible hours and work locations, most American families are not taking advantage of after school programs.

For a very significant percentage of the population, however, sending their kids to a high quality after school program at least a few days per week still makes a ton of sense. No school can teach kids everything they need to be successful in life. Here’s why:

1.) Kids’ brains don’t turn off at 3 PM. Kids love to learn. This is especially true the younger kids are and the less experience they have with school. For some reason, we have taken all of the fun out of school and tested the joy right out of learning. A good after school program can help keep the flame alive and keep your kids learning in a way that they will love.

2.) We teach kids perseverance. After school programs that are academic based have the luxury of one huge thing that schools do not: time. After school, kids have all the time they want to work through a problem, work through their homework, or work through a challenge. Time is essential for getting kids to learn kids perseverance. By definition it is something they can’t do when deadlines and timelines keep snapping shut.

3.) There’s no more recess in school (or very little). When I left teaching only a year ago, kids were getting a combined 35 minutes of lunch and recess. 20 minutes to eat, 15 minutes to play. All day. And that’s not including any transition time, which as every teacher knows is not an insignificant amount of time. If you are going to tell me that 15 minutes of free play with their friends and engage in “creative play” is enough time every day, I politely disagree!

4.) They get extra STEAM time. even though we all tend to hear about the importance of STEM and STEAM from every politician seeking any position from School Board to President, kids are still receiving less time for science than they were 15-20 years ago. In the era of high stakes testing, if it’s not tested it’s not taught, or at least taught anywhere near as well as it should be. As a former elementary educator in the public schools, trust me–your kids are not getting enough quality STEM.

5.) Structured screen time. Let’s be honest. Our kids get way too much screen time. Let’s also be honest. WE get way too much screen time. With that in mind, it’s important to realize that screen time isn’t inherently bad. It’s only bad if it’s time wasted. At a technology and academic based after school program, we can turn screen time into learning time while still giving kids what they crave. Why go home and play Minecraft for 3 hours when you can come play Minecraft while socializing, sharing creative ideas, learning about the Ancient Egyptians, the environment, or some other scientific or historical concept?

6.) 45 minutes of music per week ain’t cutting it either. For most kids that aren’t involved in private music lessons, 45 minutes of music is all they get for the entire week. And when you break that down, that’s only if there’s no days off that week, it’s not summer, winter, or spring break, and there aren’t “more important” tests coming up. Speaking of tests, let’s not even talk about how music classes around the state are starting off and ending with 2-3 weeks of testing so that we can figure out how much to pay the music teachers. When you add it up, and balance that with the incredible benefits of developing musical skill, 45 minutes is nowhere NEAR enough. At a STEAM based after school program that focuses on music, that could easily be tripled. And that’s if you were only attending 1 day.

7.) Homework help. Have you tried 5th grade math lately? It’s hard! Things certainly have changed in math for better or for worse (As a math teacher, I maintain that it’s better, but opinions are likely to vary). At an after school program that offers homework help and has certified teachers leading classes and programs, qualified homework help is only a hand raise away. Just imagine how much stress this could save you!

8.) Meet new friends. When you’ve lived in once place and attended one school for your entire life, it can be hard to meet new friends. In fact, the skill of making friends is something that kids will need throughout their lives, and without opportunities to practice, how likely are they to become good at it? In fact, as I write this I’m wishing I had a lot more practice as a kid, because I still play favorites with my friends from childhood and they live 1000 miles away! Social intelligence can be critical for future success in just about any industry, and having time to meet new friends from new places is a great way to develop said social intelligence.

9.) Always learning something.A good after school program designs activities with learning in mind. While it’s quite possible to sit on a couch at home alone and not learn anything, it’s nearly impossible to build Legos with friends, solve a puzzle on your own, practice juggling, or take a 3D Printing class without learning something. STEAM after school programs give kids opportunity and motivation to learn a great variety of things in a way that keeps them engaged and wanting to come back for more.

10.) Goal setting. A common trait among successful people is goal setting. Like any other skill or character trait, some people do it better than others and most of us need time and encouragement to practice it. A STEAM program that provides kids appropriate challenges and gives kids choices allows them to engage in goal setting that is meaningful to them is the perfect place to get acclimated to these important life skills.

11.) Creative thinking. Kids get tons of opportunities to express their creative thinking in a variety of ways. As long as it’s the first 2 weeks of school or after testing is done. Creative thinking helps kids learn to problem solve, get in touch with their artistic side, come up with new and novel ideas, and a whole host of other insanely valuable life skills. However, it often is not done because, well, you guessed it: testing. When deadlines have to be met and standards have to be mastered, the time for incubation of great ideas and the practice of creative thinking quickly goes out the window. Teachers are OUTSTANDING and designing opportunities for kids to think creatively, but so often they don’t get to use them. At a great after school program, however? This comes standard and is a core goal of the program.

12.) Safe social environment While some kids go home and play video games by themselves for hours on end, others are able to go out and roam the neighborhoods with their friends making their own fun. While this is a tremendous learning opportunity for kids, it also begs the question, “what are those kids up to?” and “is it safe?” What if there was a safe place for kids to explore and learn at their own pace. A place where they have opportunities to choose what kind of fun and what kind of game to play? And what if they were being supervised the entire time so that they won’t be getting themselves into too much trouble? I know just the place! You guessed it–a great after school program.

It seems like a pipe dream that there could be an after school program that offers all of this and more, than you must not have heard of Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead’s after school program! This year, the Full STEAM Ahead program is available for K-5 graders and is located in Naples, FL. It is taught and led by certified instructors 5 days per week and features the Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead Renaissance Program (TM), a collection of structured challenges and badges designed to enrich, teach, and expand your child’s mind.

If your child isn’t doing as much learning after school as they are in school, or if your after school program doesn’t measure up, contact us today! or (239) 451-3142.

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Holiday Gift Guide: 5 STEM Gifts for tinkerers and makers

There are a million products out there that fall under that “educational learning” category, but like in any other realm, not all of them are equal. In fact, far from it. Here are some of the best ones out there in terms of educational merit, flexibility, cost, and entertainment value.

1.) Makey Makey – An Invention Kit for everyone ($50)

Makey Makey is a funny sounding circuit board that basically does the job of connecting the physical world to a computer. Within minutes, you can turn a banana into a piano, playdough into a video game controller, or a cup of water into a camera trigger. Makey Makey makes our list because after the initial excitement of making pianos out of every random fruit you can find wears off, there are thousands of other ways to stay innovate and invent using Makey Makey, and there is a massive online community to support these ideas.
2.) Ozobot – Endless fun in a tiny package ($60)

Ozobot is an addictive little robot that comes with a strong host of learning activities and fun games in a small package. Kids can learn programming techniques through color codes, draw, program with an app, and have a blast watching this tiny little bot cruise around all day. There are 100’s of robots out there, but Ozobot is relatively cheap and comes with a very well developed app to supplement learning and play.

3.) Ollie and Sphero – Bring the robotic fun beyond borders ($100 – $180)

In the ol’ days back when I was in school, educational robots could follow very basic and specific commands, move slowly, and might even have a tiny light on them. Sphero and Ollie both bring robotic toys into the new era of learning and play. Both are made by the same company and are quite similar, but Ollie is the faster, meaner cousin of the app-controlled and programmable Sphero. Both are easily programmable using apps, are very sleek and hardy, and are adorned with lights and great apps to extend the learning and play. Both will keep your kids engaged early on, but have enough flexibility and firepower to keep kids coming back to learn new tricks, program new tasks, and interact in new ways using the app.

4.) littleBits – The quintessential tinkerer’s kit ($150 – $250)

LittleBits have been inspiring kids and bringing projects to life since they hit the market a few years back. Again, littleBits’ flexibility is what gets them a spot on our list. It comes with a booklet full of ideas, but it’s the online community and the ability to combine the littleBits in nearly infinite combinations with other projects to bring them to life that truly earns littleBits place. There’s no room for one-and-done kits on our list–we look for toys that kids can use, reuse, and repurpose again. LittleBits certainly fits the bill.

5.) LEGO Mindstorms – The ultimate robotics kit ($350)

LEGO Mindstorms’ latest version the EV3 is the undisputed robotics kit champion of the Ed Tech world. While there are many copycats, nothing else has the power, quality, or community like LEGO Mindstorms. There’s even an international competition using Mindstorms, and it’s community members have created everything from Rubik’s Cube solvers to Whack-a-mole machines. Again, it’s the great software and the community support that make LEGO Mindstorms what it is. The possibilities are endless and the programming language that comes with it is shockingly powerful. Expensive, yes. But worth the ticket price? Absolutely.

Of course, at the end of the day, toys are just toys and gadgets are just gadgets–and sometimes less than that if they sit on the shelf unused. If you are looking for the ultimate gift for the young tinkerer or maker in your family, give them classes at Full STEAM Ahead! Not only will we teach them how to use their new tech toys, but they will leave with something you just can’t buy: inspiration.

Happy Holidays from Full STEAM Ahead!

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